Coffee Production

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High-quality varieties of coffee


Tobacco S Press Ltd. is a domestic manufacturer of coffee magical taste, Bom coffee. Therefore, the process of producing our coffee goes back to the plantation, where the special care carefully cultivated the plants where they grow fruits coffee. In order to get the taste and aroma that you will not be able to resist, are required exceptional commitment and the best coffee beans. Our team of experts from start to finish follows every step and ensures that synthesis of knowledge, experience and technology, formed a distinctive taste, which enchants the senses - Coffee magical taste. Coffee is better than fantasy.

The production process begins with the selection and testing of the best types of beans Minas and Robusta, high-quality varieties of coffee. Given the fact that there are differences even among families who were originally from the same plantation, daily testing and testing the composition is a substantial factor in maintaining the quality and recognition of Bom taste of coffee.

Magical flavors and enchanting aroma

In order to reach the magical flavors and enchanting aroma that stirs the imagination, the greatest attention is paid to the processes of roasting and grinding. The smell and taste of coffee are properties that make it unique, and it can be felt only after roasting. Roasting process leads to the desired component of taste, acidity, and aromatics. Special-controlled milling process allows the release of aroma that our coffee is special and irresistible, so many of our consumers their bags of coffee purchases exactly in Bom coffee roasting. The company has 10 roaster in Montenegro. These are the specialized sales structures in which most coffee drinkers, throughout the day, I will be bought roasted coffee to our taste. Avaiable 3 different types: medium roasted, fried and more Bom Exclusive coffee.



Tailor the best recipe and technological process of roasting and grinding. Packaged in a protective environment, in modern packaging design and quality, which long held the coffee fresh and aromatic. Try Bom coffee and you will feel a distinctive flavor to all your favorite traditional coffee whose taste and smell to conquer all your senses! It available in all markets in Montenegro in the packaging of 100g and 200g.



  • The most modern production conditions in our area.
  • A mixture of raw materials (coffee) best quality.
  • The expert team of technologists who made a strong taste, but drinking coffee.
  • Aroma, which can not be forgotten!
  • Buy local! This is our product! Bom coffee is produced in Montenegro and a fully suits the tastes of our region.
  • Because it satisfies all the senses. Make it a traditional recipe and you will feel the pleasure launches.
  • Coffee flavor and aroma of the best! For a good start of day.